[Fashion] Minimal+Classic

Happy Monday!
It's been a quite long time I didn't do any update about fashion/style on my blog. I'm busy with my photography project, my main work and my personal life as well. There so much things to handle at the same time but I will never forget my first love, fashion. I will always love fashion and I will never ever give up on it.Can you believe that I'm not doing any shopping now? All in my mind is my camera and the wedding photography project but deep inside my heart, I miss to do my own photo shoot for fashion/style tab on my blog.
This time, I will share the fashion trends that I currently loved. And, I'm in the middle of "hunting" for something that close to this. I will rock this style maybe on my wedding day or my photoshoot or something but for a special day.It looks overexposed but I love it!

What do you think of this style? 
Do you love it or hate it?


What's your opinion?

Please share your thoughts.

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