Today I want to share my best moments in 2016.
I can't believe this week is last week of January 2017,arg gg hh.. time move so fast.
I write this post every January since I started my blog.I feel thankful and blessed whenever I write about it.
You can see my previous year Best moment as below;
Best Moments 2015
There no moment I never stop thank God for what He ever did in my life.I will never be like this if not because of our wonderful God.
There so many best moments in 2016 and these a few of them.
#1 : Encounter and rebuild my relationship with God
I've known God for so long( I was born in a Christian family so God, Jesus Christ is no stranger to me), God has been good to me along the way of my life.But, I just don't want to get closer to God.But, in the beginning of 2016, I started to encounter with God.At the beginning, I felt unfair because I just can't believe, to achieve all the dreams I ever had in the world, I need to surrender everything to God.How crazy is that? I thought I can do without God but in the middle of the year, it totally changed for me. I can't believe what did just happened to me! Through God all the impossible dreams, that I can't even dream of, can come true. All I need to do is be faithful and do everything for God to glorify His name.It's hardest for me to surrender everything but that's what I did. In God, I believe all the impossible, biggest dreams can come true.
#2 : Keriitleto Photography

- Wedding Photographer
One thing that make me feel amazing last year was my keriitletophotography passion is getting more than I ever imagined. I do wedding photographer for three wedding last year,compared to the previous year.But, I still not satifsfied with my skills and my knowledge is not enough for really getting serious on this. I still have many things to improved and skills up.Never give up!
Wedding Photography 1
Wedding Photography 2

-Unofficial KEBANA 2016 Photographer >> Click here.
Another amazing things I ever did last year. I become unofficial photographer for KEBANA 2016.Nobody asked me but I willing to do it for the sake of experiences. I hope I will do it again for next KEBANA in 2018 and my skills is improved.
#2 : Solo vacation to Cambodia

Have you ever heard about this words "It's better to say,thanks God I did it then I wish I did it".?
I don't know if I write that words correct but that's just happened. I'm glad I did this in my life. I always travelled solo whenever I went to oversea but the most memorable one is this! Never forget my feeling when the first I arrived in Cambodia, never forget my sunrise and sunset in Angkor Wat, of course not going to forget about the food that I never eat in my life. This is amazing!!
You can check the full post here.
#3 : Visit Hobbiton Movie Set,New Zealand
I used to watched the Hobbiton movie back in the day and I can't believe I will visited the REAL movie set,where the movie is made.Amazing experience. The journey also amazing as I can see and fall in love with New Zealand. I even cried when I got the see the view.It's amazing! I'll never forget that moment. If God willing, I want to move to New Zealand,seriously! But,for now, let's just enjoy my time in Malaysia.
You can read my experience here.
#4 : Hillsong Church,Australia
This is not even tourist attraction area in Sydney but I went there every weekend during my business trip in November. It's dream come true for me! I've been listened to their worship songs for many years and never know that I got to be there,worship our God with the Hillsong Worship team,and even got their latest worship album for FREE! What's an amazing early Birthday gifts from our wonderful God!
You can read my experience here.
#5 : Finally, Opera House!
I've been to Sydney,Australia for 4th times now but never have a chance to visit Opera House as I will always come back to Malaysia on Saturday morning/evening.This time, God gave me early birthday present and it's amazing!!!
#7 : I got you BABE
I believe in God can make everything right time, right place and the right person.
After my two best friends getting married in 2014 and 2015, I honestly feel lonely and afraid I will never have friends. I always prayed to God that he will give me friend, become my best friend and even more blessed if we fall in love with each other.Yes, God answered my prayers(after two year plus).I don't know what's God plan for me, I just enjoy the moment with the person gave me. Not to take it for granted.I don't know if we will end up with each other but I believe, God always gives the best for us.
#8: Birthday surprise!
Every year, this always on my list.
This year,again.. on the list. Thank you, everyone, that make the day even more special for me. I appreciated it.
#9: Spending my birthday with love one
Since my birthday is important, I wished I can spend my birthday with my love one and thanks, God, we got to spent time to do simple things that I really enjoy. I enjoyed the presence of my boyfriend on my special day, do nothing but just be there on this special day.
#10: Visited Sydney, Australia for 3 times in 1 year
The wildest dream for Kenyah girl and that's happened to me last year.
I visited Sydney 3 times in 1 year, it's amazing for me! I'm blessed and thankful!
You can read here for more.
Or here.
# 11: Positive vibes
This year, I really try my best to be positive as much as I can.It's hardest! But, I keep trying and always remind myself that always look on the bright sides.After all, I'm thankful for strength that God gave me to do this in my life.
#12: Visited New Zealand..again!
I love New Zealand!
I just can't forget about this country!
You can read my full experience here.
#13: Christmas with family
Always on my list every year.
Since I working, I never skipped my Christmas with family. My family is my backbone so I will never skip this.
#14: Visited Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Another city that I always visited and I'm blessed and thankful.I love the vibes here. The people, the food and of course, the changing that have been made here.
#15: Good times with friends
Never ever forget my good time with my friends, Marina, Ellis,Ping,Juliet,Sandra. You guys are amazing!
Marina, I'm blessed to called you as my dear friend.
Ellis and Ping, I always missed you guy since you guys move to Sarawak but I keep it in my heart.
Juliet and Sandra, you guys are friends that God has sent me last year.Thanks God and thank you guys for being my friends.
Despite all that best moments, I have some bad moments as well. I don't want to write it here but I want to remind myself and all my readers, everyone has their best and worst moments. In 2016, I need to let go my friends go to Sarawak. They are four of them, Irene,Gen,Audrey and Ellis. It's hard to say goodbye to friends that I found along the way and while I'm in Malaya.I don't know what's God plan for me next, all I want to do is surrender everything in God's hand and follow the flow.
And, not to forget that I need to say a permanent goodbye to my friend, Wenanda on 14 December 2016. It's hardest because I remember, she taught me to drive my brand new car and always bring me to eat and test food around Bangi.But, she went to our eternal home.
All I can is my 2016 has been a good year and tough year, no matter what did happen.
After all, I remember God always be there with me when the darkest time like in the valley and still there with me in the mountain, the peak of my life.
The key to having best moment in this life is BE THANKFUL and BE FAITHFUL in God.
I hope you have great moments in 2016 and for this year, let's keep that faithful and thankful heart to move forward.
What's your opinion?
Please share your thoughts.