Mistakes I wish I never done at 20s

Hi there!
Happy Tuesday! I hope you have a wonderful one!
Today is another day as we will start to count days for Christmas 2017. I can't believe in 6 months Christmas will be here.Besides waiting for Christmas, I also approached my late 20s. This year will be the last year I'm being on my 20s.Looking back, I was totally amazed at my own life journey.I was fall, get up, fall again and get up again and again. There are so many different kinds of situation that's make me lived that kind of life. Without further due, I want to share my mistakes I made at my 20s and I hope you'll learn from this.

Not study very well
I should aim for the first class, not just an ordinary degree.Dream big!
So, always do your best in your study, never take the study time for granted!

I don't know when to say yes and no( always want to do everything)
I'm lucky as I not really messed up my life.But, I feel I less experimental during my 20s. There are many things in this life you'll tempt to try something new, so know when to say Yes and No. After all, it will affect your future life.

Not trust my parent in certain things
I should trust my parent in certain things like relationships thing.
Our parent always nagging on whatever what we doing.But, as I get older, I come to get it. They always want the best for their kids.

Bought clothes that I don't even need
Hahahhaa... I just laugh at myself on this. I wish I knew, I just need several clothes and I don't need to follow the trends that will disappear very fast.Don't waste money on experimenting fashion.Fashion is not bad but I have so much thing to experiment and buy with my money than buying clothes that I don't even need. Wear that makes you feel good and looking good.

Thought every friend that I have will last forever
Not every friend you have will never last. Someday, everyone will move on with their life partner.I'm not saying friends is not mistake but just my thought about friends.Some of my friends still last and I'm thankful for that.

Not take financial seriously
I don't know about you but I take this matter like a small matter before.But, I'm thankful I realized it very soon and it's not too late to learn and improve myself.Make sure know about this very well.

Investing myself on uncertain relationship
I'm not saying this is bad but I learned a lot from this.
I also have done mistakes so one of it is this.Be careful on what relationship you investing in. I love to call it investing because it will take a very long time.

Eat all that fatty food so much
Hahhahaaa.. I can't resist this.But, I wish I control that..hahhaaaa
But, I'm satisfied as I can taste many food.So, I declare before I hit 30s, I will take of this.

I don't say all this mistakes is bad but I learned from all these.
I growing up to be wiser lady and I share it with you now. I hope you never do the same mistakes.

If you're in your late 20s, share what mistakes you wish you never done at your 20s?


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