Life after Oppa

It's been 3 days since Oppa left me in Selangor.
I hope Oppa feel so happy with Demma, Engka, my sister and my bro in law.
Yes, you can laugh at me so hard now, it's okay. I'm being so dramatic about this and I'm having fun of this too. MM can't take this anymore.But, before you judged me for being super childish and dramatic, I got to share few things I learned about this separation with my Oppa.

1. You can do it when you already told yourself you can do it.
I never drive our Blaze ( MM's car, I give the name and he liked it..hehe) before. MM always asked me to give it try but I always resisted because I thought I will never drive a different car than Oppa (Myvi). But, when my first time drove it, I told MM, I want to drive Blaze and I told myself, I can do it! and, YES, I CAN DO IT! Except that's annoying sudden break..hehe, sorry MM.

2. In order to move to next level in your life, change the usual way of your life.
I'm in my comfort zone with Oppa, I drove it for almost 6 years plus already and I feel like this type of car is my comfort zone and never want to try something different than this.But, when I think back, eventually I will need to drive a different car in future and I must try to change my usual way when I'm still able to do it.

3. If you need help, be brave to ask.
I'm someone that rarely ask help, especially when it's come to very personal life issues. I will just ask help from my siblings(my sisters) whenever I have one but I felt so ashamed and embarrassed to do so. But, I swallowed my pride and ask help when I need it.This time, I bravely ask help from my sister's family to take care of Oppa as my big commitment is on the way.I need to get ready for that.

4. No matter what happens in your life, a family will always be there for you.
I have some very personal issue happen in my life, sometimes I feel like no one ever understands me but I'm grateful for having sisters that keep reminding me they are always there for me. I constantly feel like I need to make it on my own and no need to bother people that I loved, don't make them feel burdened with my own life issue. I'm wrong, when I feel that way, that's the time I need them the most.

5. I'm not lucky, I'm blessed.
Maybe some people thought I'm lucky for whatever I have now. I have my Oppa(my car) so I can move around freely, I have MM that never fails to make me I'm on top of the world and most of all, I have God that I can trust in everything I do in my life.But, sometimes I constantly feel empty and feel I'm a lack of anything. This is not a new issue in our life but as a human, we will constantly have this kind of feeling, it's not a bad feeling but it's remind us to be grateful for whatever blessing we have, no matter how small or big it is. I'm blessed!

Thank you so much for reading my post this time.
For you, what's something valuable that you can't even let go easily?
Please do share with me.
I promise I won't laugh or anything with it, no matter how silly it is.
See you on my next post.


Photo by Cameron Kirby on Unsplash

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