My review on my "30 things must do before turn 30" list

Today I want to do something fun!
In 2013, I wrote my "30 things must do before turn 30" on my blog and it's time for me to review it after 5 years and before I enter my 30 years next year. I can't believe its already 5 years since I posted this post.
Without further due, let's review it together.
Never give up(in progress)
Fulfilled & Completed
Just forget it

1.       Learn new language
Review: Hahahaa... I keep busy with other thing.I'm busy with other things like photography and blogging.But, I will never ever give up on this, I still have 1 year left.So, I can do it!

2.       Go to another country or live in another country
Review: I'm thankful I able to fulfilled my dream to go to another country.I went to 10 countries for this 5 years.Thank God!
And, for live in another country, this is not going to happen before I'm 30 as Malaysia is my home for now but I still wish to live in Australia.

3.       Confront fear – roller coaster
Review: Yes! I have ridden the roller coaster and I will never ever do that again.NEVER!!

4.       Donate blood
Review: The SCARIEST thing to do in life. I do not accomplish this yet, still, scare!

5.       Learn to cook and perfect at least 5 different dishes
Review: Yeah! I have learned 5 different dishes. The simple one to be specific.
Okay, you need proof ar?
i.Spaghetti carbonara
ii.Ikan sweet sour
iii.Tung Ubi goreng
iv.Ayam goreng
v.Lia akau

6.       Get myself well-fitting jeans
Review: This is no longer valid and I don't think this is important already, I can wear whatever I want and afford.

7.       Own decent pieces of furniture
Review: I know my style already! Wait and see ya!

8.       Go on holiday with siblings
Review: I went holiday with my brother and not yet with my sisters.Maybe soon with my sisters, girls outing!?

9.       Have a photo album filled with actual photographs from my life.
Review: The easiest thing to do but still not accomplish completely.Still trying!

10.    Take a yoga class for at least 3 months
Review: I tried one time and after that, I decided to never ever do the yoga class again. It's hurt!

11.    Travel to Paris/Europe for 1 month or more than  1 month
Review: I have been in one of Europe country, UK!! for 2 weeks,not a month. So, I consider this accomplished.

12.    Work on what I love to do ( Software Engineer, photographer, blogger and creative designer)
Review: I still work on these and I need to work harder.

13.    Volunteer or join the church missionary trip
Review: I joined few times but I don't really satisfy with what I'm doing.I still need to figure out what I can really do for the church missionary things.

14.    Visit all my favorite cities
Review: I have visited London,Seoul, Sydney, Auckland, Kuala Lumpur so I can say this is accomplished.

15.    Take a road trip
Review: Never do this.I hope my best friend(boyfriend) want do this with me before next year.

16.    Travel solo(vacation)
Review: I went to Cambodia for 1 weeks on my own! Yeah! It's accomplished!!!

17.    Fall in love
Review: Thank God for answer my prayers.You're the answer of my prayers.Keep in prayers.

18.    Buy my first home
Review: Thank God for this. I'm so nervous about this now.Keep in prayers.

19.    Learn about my family genealogy
Review: I have learned but never take note.Need to work on this now.

20.    Take a “How to” class ( Cook, sewing and etc)
Review: I learned online sewing classes and cooking with my friends or housemate.

21.    Write a book
Review: Not yet, I still writing the story on my own.

22.    Meet someone new/special
Review: Thank God for answer my prayers.Every soul is special!

23.    Live healthier
Review: I still love unhealthy food!! So bad!

24.    Buy an expensive great handbag or pair of heels
Review: As the time goes by, this becomes not important for me anymore.I don't need the expensive great handbag or pair of heels anymore.What I need is I'm comfortable.

25.    See my favorite band(live) – Big Bang or CNBlue
Review: As the time goes by, this becomes not important for me anymore.

26.    Make a family tradition
Review: Ermm.. what did I do about this?

27.    Forgive someone
Review: I completely forgive my ex-boyfriend for whatever happened before. I hope he will have a happy life.I prayed the best for him.Also, for the friends that ever make me feel small in this life, I forgiven them completely.No more hurtful feeling.

28.    Throw a house party
Review: Coming soon.Thank God for the blessings.

29.    Learn how to do “DIY” craft
Review: I no longer have passion on DIY craft, I shifted to photography and blogging(writing) now. I don't really have time anymore.

30.    Eat exotic food
Review: I no need to do this as it's our culture to eat exotic food..haha.

Looking back these 30 things, I feel amazed, funny and a bit blur with the girls that wrote this list(it's me!). This girl really knows where to go even though along the way I always blurred and I can't figure out about what should I do in this life.

So, I recommended you should write your own list rather than just exist in this world.Make sure your existence is extraordinary. You can create history or you died with the history.
No matter what your age, you still have time to do something like this. As long as you live, there will be always room for change and improvement.

Thank you for reading my blog.


Photo by Edu Grande on Unsplash

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