
Hi there~
I just finished video calling with my second sister just now and you know what?!
I feeling AWESOME!! Because I got to see our little girl, Demma dancing, smiling and give flying kisses for me, what an awesome gift today. We are so blessed! I can't stop thinking of her now...hhahhaaa, such a crazy aunt. Until now, I can't believe our family have one little girl or lil keriitleto(oppsss...my future daughter supposed to have that title) but for now, let Demma have that title.It's not her birthday yet so I won't talk too much about her. But, what I want to share is AHAVAH.
Have you heard about this word? It's my first time heard about this word as well and immediately, I love it!
You want to know why?

- Hebrew word
-Ahavah can describe as the love of husband toward wife (Genesis 29:20), God's love for His people( Deut 7:8; 2 Chronicle 2:11) and deep abiding friendship (1 Samuel 18:3, 1 Samuel 20:17).[1]

You can see the explanation about this word video below:

From my personal opinion, Ahavah : 'Love'.

I AHAVAH my family, friends, my church, and people.

Aya from keriitleto.com

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