A brave girl

As I promise, I'm going to make a special post for this brave girl on my blog.
Her name is Angeline. I love called her Angie, I don't know if she like that or not, I hope she will like it. I called her brave girl because she is a city girl and she bravely comes and spent her holiday in my kampong last year (after Christmas) and early this year(during the New Year). Before this, she always want to come but never able to do it and in 2017, she finally made it! yeah!I  can't believe that she makes it happen. I've learned some lessons from her brave steps to experience something that she never experiences and live in a totally different environment than she used to live in. 

If you want something or if you want to do something, go for it! Not just say go but go for real!
Just step out and do it! 
It will be scary as you don't know, but if you really want it, go and do it! 
Don't think twice or whatsoever. Just go!

Go explore the world
No matter where the place, as long as you never been there, it's worth to explore. Just go!

Appreciate whatever you have in your life
I've sometimes taken what I have for granted.I don't appreciate it much but I've learned that, what I have, other people don't have it.So, do appreciate it.When life is good, enjoy and be happy but never forget God. When life is hard, enjoy the ride and ask God to give the strength.

Last but not least, thank you Angeline for visiting my hometown. I hope you will keep the good memories in your life forever and for the bad one, can you forget about it? I'm sorry for any uncomfortable you feel during your stay. Thank you again.

Thank you all for read my blog.
What do you want to do this year? I hope you will be brave to do it this year.


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