#keriitletoHome: House Update February 2018

Hi there~
I can't believe this!! I forget, totally forget to share about this. This is one of the hardest getting "old", I easily forget and totally forget about something. If no reminder from my phone, then I will never ever remember it. How scary is this! Okay, back to the original topic. It's HOUSE UPDATE for February 2018.
Without further due, let's get started!

I already start stayed in the house even though not complete yet but I have no choice, I need to consider my finance too. I can't afford to pay for rental and my house at the same time. So, I have decided to stayed there.
I feel so happy whenever I am home.
I feel stressed out about life but when I am home, my heart full of thankfulness.
I still don't really know what's God plan for my life but as per now,I am ready to go with whatever God has planned for me.
The progress is super slow but God make me learned and endured so many things.
I am usually a good planner of my life but this time i feel like I am tired drive my own life anymore.
I am tired of planning this and that.First of all, sorry for not always update my blog lately.I don't have any internet connection in the house and I been working like a mad women this past week.Its  been such a crazy journey so far.I will share about that in different post and for this post I will share about my house update.
Then i stumbled upon scripture,
Let god plan your life
“Some of you say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to some city. We will stay there a year, do business, and make money.” Listen, think about this: You don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Your life is like a fog. You can see it for a short time, but then it goes away. So you should say, “If the Lord wants, we will live and do this or that.” But now you are proud and boast about yourself. All such boasting is wrong. If you fail to do what you know is right, you are sinning.”
James 4:13-17 ERV

I've been aware that this home will be definitely influence how i will live my life. I will no longer live like I used to lived, no more shopping and need to take care and learned my finance very well. Finally, I need to really surrender everything to God to handle this.

the #keriitletohome is the gift from God.
“Everything good comes from God. Every perfect gift is from him. These good gifts come down from the Father who made all the lights in the sky. But God never changes like the shadows from those lights. He is always the same.”
James 1:17 ERV

So the conclusion of this post,
Let god plan your life
Every perfect gift is from god.
Be patient.

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