#keriitletoOOTD: SHINE

My Hari Raya holiday is well spent!
I went to Youth Leadership Conference(YLC) SHINE! and its worth it! 
This conference is the youth conference that organised by P3S2. It's Youth community in KL. Most of the participant are Borneo people and there also Semenanjung people as well. 
On this conference, I have learned a lot and what's really important is God make me realised about so many thing, I have take so many thing in my life for granted for these few months and now, I feel refreshed and I am ready to serve in a better way.
On this post, I will share about my outfit and don't forget to stay until end for more about the conference.

I love wearing t-shirt and it's my everyday outfits. I went to work with jeans and t-shirt and sometime with casual smart outfits but most of the time, t-shirt and jeans so I really comfortable with this style. I went to many conference and this t-shirt is one of nice t-shirt so that why I decided to share the outfit here.
And, I wore my sneakers after sooooo long. I always prefer my flat shoes and I don't really wear my sneakers this year because I lazy to tied it up but I think I should wear it more now.

Our special photos is here.
I want to keep the photos here because I am very bad at keep the photos and I hope in future I can always come here and take a look of this sweet memories.
Just a few words for this man,
Dear, I'm so proud of you.
You work and practice so hard to served God in a better way. Let's continue to serve God better and better everyday, not for other reasons but just for God, just for Jesus.
I'm glad that I met you and I'm forever thankful for make me one of SPECIAL person for you in your life.
I still trying to learn about you better and better. It's hardest to be honest but I know, it's a process and journey and I choose to go for that process/journey.
I knew God won't put you in my life just for fun but God have a great plan and He want me to learn how to live this life very well. 
I respected you and love you.
And, I hope we can make it, it's my prayers everyday.
Thank you for love, 'hate', annoyed and more with me.
Let's do this together.
The ride won't be easy or smooth but as long as you with me, I want to go for the ride.

I don't really get it about his pose sometime...always do the silly pose...but it's make me laugh. So weird right?

And, always want to have same style just like me...hahahaaaaaa but I love your style no matter what lah.

And, I not to never forget my great friends that went for this conference too. Let's keep the memory here as well.

Can you spot my silly man over there?

Thank you for visit and read my blog.

I hope you feel inspired and happy when read and scroll my post this time.

... “A person can receive only what God gives. ' - John 3:27 

Thank you and God loves you,

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