Tired of your trouble skin, here is tips to overcome it.

Okay, don't freak out with this photo.
Yes, this is how my face looks like 7 years ago. It's stressful and feels ugly every day. My dream every day is to get beautiful skin. I have tried and tried many products, from local to international. So, here is my experience on how to get a beautiful skin.
Before I share the tips, I don't know if you agree with this statement.
Share with me what do you think on the comment below.
So, here are the tips. This is based on my own experience and I am not sponsored by a brand that I mentioned here. But, you can give it try.

Tips #1
I tried many products to see what suit me. I usually try it for several months, it's quite tiring and needs to spend money but it really takes time so don't give up!

Tips #2
Ask for your friend's help. Maybe they know what the best product you can try. Back then, I always make sure to try a new product after 2 weeks or 4 weeks.

Tips #3
Don't give up!
Your skin will be okay.

Next, I'm going to share what's a product I tried last time and it's really changed my skin. I still use the same brand until now and my sister ( she got sensitive and troublesome skin before trying this brand).

The first product I ever purchased in The Face Shop is the foam cleanser and it's changed my world. It's cured my acne face. 

Since this quite expensive, after my skin become better, I slowly find the lower price. And, I found this.

Now I feel confident my skin is okay, then I find the even lower price. Need to start a little bit.

Usually, after I wash my face, I will apply toner. At first, this is toner that I tried and it's work on my skin very well. But, I don't really like the packaging. It's heavy. So, I try another product after my skin become better.

I found this one. I know, it's expensive than previous one but I love the packaging so I tried.

Nowadays, I used this one. Everyday. Every single morning. Never fail! 

I got this cream from my sister for FREE! because she can't use it, not suitable for her skin so I'm using it. This is the best part when you and your sister use the same products. When it's doesn't work on me, I will give it to my sister and if it's doesn't work on her, she will give it to me. I know, it's expensive!!!! Die laaa if I buy it myself. 

This is how I get my skin now. It's a long process actually. Now, I'm stayed on this brand because it's work. For foundation or other than skincare, I will use other brands.
So, here is my latest face.

Let me know your story on making your skin become beautiful on the comment below. I love to hear it and share your tips too.



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