My weird craving | Easy ayam masak lemak resepi

Happy Sunday!
I hope you have a good Sunday? Did you go to church today or do you live streaming from your home?
I want to share my opinion regarding this topic actually but it's too heavy for this moment so I choose to digest and think carefully about it first whether it's worth it to share my opinion or not.
So, out of nowhere or in the midst of hot news about COVID-19, I shared about my weird craving while my first pregnancy!
As you can see, it's masak lemak! not just ayam masak lemak but everything I want to make it masak lemak...haha. My husband really like to eat ayam masak lemak, whenever I asked him what to cook today, he will never failed to ask, ayam masak lemak or ayam goreng and I "silently"complaining before because of two reason, one is I don't know how to cook masak lemak and second is I need to use the kunyit hidup and it makes my hand kuning...hahha
Now that I'm pregnat, I'm craving and really like this one o...hahhaa. Whenever I'm out of idea or feel like not eating something, I will masak lemak...hahhaa. For today menu, actually today, I'm planning to cook kerang masak lemak because I'm having low HB so I need to eat extra kerang and some food that will increase my HB but kerang is sold out at nearby grocery store so I just go for ayam lah.
So, here is my recipe. 
Credit recipe from my sister ( Achel/We' Engka). One of the best food ever!

Ayam masak lemak
Bahan- bahan:
1 biji cili besar merah 
2 cm kunyit hidup
1 batang serai- ketuk
5 biji bawang merah kecil
3 biji bawang putih
Santan setengah kotak kecil
Cara memasaknya:
1. Kisarkan (blend)semua bahan-bahan kecuali serai(diketuk) & santan.
2. Tumiskan bahan yang dikisar (blend) tadi dan serai degan sedikit minyak, letakkan sedikirt air dan tumiskan sampai air bahan tumisan kering sedikit.
3. Kemudian masukkan ayam sampai ayam layu sikit
4.Tambahkan air dalam 2 cawan, biarkan mendidih &ayam masak, baru masukkan santan. 
*Pesanan penaja : Rajin2 kacau supaya tidak pecah santan. Jangan lupa letakkan garam & cukup rasa.

I hope you will try to make this easy recipe and I will share what's else I craving next time hahhaa


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