Starbucks Fantasy Tail Frappuciono ( yang ada duyung tu) REVIEW

Hi there~
Today I feel like I want to try a new drink at Starbucks ( yes! it's expensive!! my money) but just this time. But, sadly I didn't get the duyung ( mermaid) tail because it already finishes so they replace with small sakura as below.
So, here is my review.
How it's taste?
For me, it's taste like ice cream ( maybe vanilla + strawberries), but overall its taste like ice cream! 
It's VERY sweet to me. I need to drink a lot of plain water after drink this.
I can't even finish it because its just to sweet!

How about the price?
Grande- RM19+
Venti - RM20+
EXPENSIVE! Starbucks after all, I don't expect below than that pon. But, my instinct want to try make me wanna buy it.
And, I think it's just enough one, no-repeat order.

Should you try it?
It's depends! If you want to spend RM20 per drink, go ahead no harm to try!

As for my husband, he tried the matcha something. I like that more.

Thank you for visit my blog.


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