My guide to find mental health help in Malaysia

First of all, I would like to say thank you so much for your encouraging words, Like, Care, Love and Share my previous post on my Facebook(@Keriitleto Paya). I really appreciate it and that makes me want to recover even more. I will be strong!

As I mentioned in my previous post, I will share how to find mental health help in Malaysia. Maybe some of my readers or your friends or somebody you know also had the same issue(mental health issue) so you can share this post with them. Hopefully, it's helpful for them.

This post will be 2 parts. First part will be based on my experience and second part will be based on my research. 

[First part] How I get help? *Based on my experience.

Step 1: Get the referral letter

In order to make an appointment with Physciathric doctor at Government hospital, first, you need to get the referral letter from any clinic. Then, using that letter only you can get the appointment. But, it depends on your severity level too. If it's high, then immediately you will get the appointment. 
I get this letter from the doctor from my company clinic panel after two times visit. The first time my visit, the doctor just give me medicine and I thought I will be fine and then after 2 weeks, I still feel the same and I requested to see the Physciathric doctor at hospital ( please inform with the hospital).

Step 2: Head over to the psychiatric department with the referral letter

After you get the referral letter, I went to the hospital and hand over the letter to Physciathric department. As I mentioned before, it depends on your severity level, the appointment will be set. If you feel really not okay, don't hesitate to tell the nurse.

Step 3: Get an appointment

Then, after that, you will get your appointment. Please follow the date accordingly.

Step 4: Follow up

After a consult with the doctor, there will be follow up so need to follow that accordingly.

[Second Part] How to get help? * Based on my research.

Before I get professional help, I did a lot of research about how to get help and I found many useful websites. You can visit and read as below:

If you're not a reader type of person, you can check the infographic below:

Credit to -->

Here are the list of Pusat Kesihatan Mental Masyarakat ( MENTARI)

You can check the hospital list

I hope this will be help for you.
Before I end this post, I hope you not feel ashamed to say you are not okay and get help. Don't keep it to yourself. I've been on this so I know how its feel. Be brave!
I'm still in the process to recover as this sickness is not recovering overnight, need time and need my willingness. I really want to get out of this sickness.
As a Christian, I started to get close to God and read my Bible. To be honest, I was too busy before and I always ignore this part in my life so I want to back to my foundation. You can start by read from this website first or you can download the apps ( The Bible).

I hope you take away something from this post. 
If you know anyone that needs to know about this, you can share with them.

Thanks for reading until the end. God bless you.


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