5 Self care ideas for working mom during this pandemic


When thinking of self-care, most of us will be thought of as a go-to spa, saloon, and etc. That is totally correct. You are right!

But, now the pandemic is here, we can't go for that usual self-care places and I think need to use to new kind of new norm of self-care.
For me, self-care is doing something you love every day and be happy with it. 
I'm a working mom and I can say, my everyday life schedule is packed. I start working at 9am and usually have 2 meetings in the morning (depends but this is maximum) and 2 or 3 meetings(depends but this is maximum) in the evening. In the middle of that, I need to cook for lunch and sometimes put my baby to sleep whenever he feels so manja.
After work, no need to say anything. The moment I finish work, I will start to take care of my son and cook dinner. Usually, my hectic schedule will slow down at 9pm. So, I will either take this time for my self-care time or I will do it in the early morning. Its depends on my mood that time. 
If I still have the energy, I will do it and if not, I will sleep.

So, here are some ideas of self-care that you can do while you stay at home.

1. Order your favorite food or drink
Nowadays there you can order your favorite food and drink easily via is GrabFood, FoodPanda and etc. I usually order using GrabFood and so far I am satisfied with their services. But, need to try and error because never try the food or drink at that restaurant before. I love to order my coffee.

2. Go for groceries shopping
I love to shop but I hate to see my money getting lesser haha but its therapy for me nowadays. I usually went for groceries shopping while my husband take care of our baby because we can't go out together now. I love groceries shopping because I can buy anything ( needs) we want.

3. Listen to your favorite song

For this, you need a little trick! 
When I was berpantang, my husband bought me wireless Bluetooth earphones and this really make the difference. I usually just put earphones at one ear so another ear can hear my baby if anything.

4. Watch movies/dramas you love with your husband

I love to watch movies or drama with my husband, most recently we love Good Doctor series, we really enjoyed it together. I love to hear my husband laugh at the same things with me. We will watch this after we put our baby to sleep. This one not just my self care but our self care too.

5. Write a journal

but you can do it digitally nowadays. As for me, I love writing in my journal book. I have many now haha

No matter how busy you are, always take time to do your self-care ya! Don't wait until you feel burn out and then only take action. Please take care of yourself first!

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