How its really feel after get out from comfort zone?


I still remember the day I am so determined to get out of my comfort zone, I think that is one of the scariest day in my life. But, I just go for it! I don't think of any other else, my only goal, I need to leave it and never look back. Thinking of this now, I feel so proud of myself. 

So, thats why I wanted to share this post,just to let you guys know how its really feel after get out from comfort zone.?

What is a comfort zone?

“a behavioral state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviors to deliver a steady level of performance.” or in simple words, a state where we know what we do and not use so much energy and mind to it.

What & where is my comfort zone?

My comfort zone is my previous job. I'm been working on that job at the same company for 9 years and 4 months, it's been too long. For me to decide to get out from there is one of the hardest decision. This is due to I love the colleagues I'm working with, I know the environment there and many things I'm familiar with but I no longer feel I learn something for my career journey and I feel its not exciting anymore there so thats why need to change.

I tender my resignation letter on 24 December 2020 and I'm in 2 months' notice after that, which means I will be gone from that company on February 2021. Then, that February finally come even though I feel its too slow to come hahaha. The day finally come and upcoming days become more scary and uncertain.

So, how its really feel after I get out from comfort zone.?

1. You will feel free

The first and second week, I do feel FREE!

I really love that feeling, feel so good! No more kena kejar deadline and kena kejar orang haha I just feel good about this, it's been too long. I spent most of my time with my son and taking care of our son. 

I love the feel the heavy load finally get off my shoulders. 

2. You will feel scared

After 2 weeks, I started to feel scared! haha this is due to I still need to pay my bad debts and some bills. I started to feel scared I will never manage to get a new job haha but I just go for it! Never look back and I told myself, scared is normal but never ever look back.

3. You will fail sometimes

After I quit, I actively looking for a new job. I go for several interviews and there's a day I got a rejection, hanging, and no answer but I know, the good day will come soon! I did fail some of my interviews but I make it for one interview and I got the job!!  Don't be scare to fail, just go for it!

4. You will enter your learning zone and develop new skills

This one is one of the most challenging phases. After you get the new job, you will need to learn how to do the job and there are many new things you will learn and these new things will develop your new skills.


Get out from your comfort zone is never easy but if you determine to do it, you can do it! Even after get out from comfort zone, coming days more challenging. So, that is the process, need to face it and be brave. If you feel like you want to get out from comfort zone, be mentally prepare for it, its not going to be easy but it will worth it to face the new challenges, learn new things, meet new people, change life routine and many more. I encourage you, don't be scared. Go for it, you going to like it.

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