Happy Mother's Day 2022

Last weekend, we celebrated Mother's day and I am grateful I'm a mother to Karl Sibal, my son. I am so grateful for this experience.
To be really honest, it's not that easy

Back then before I became a mother,I always imagined I will be a good mother and able to hold my patience and etc.A
Now, I am experience being a mother, fuhhhh... its really hard to hold my patience when my son do something that I don't like, but he just learn so just let it go.

To be really honest, I did scream like a mad women when my son spilled food/throwing things and many things that I dislike but I always keep remind myself, don't scream but tell my son why he cannot spill and throwing things.
Its easy to say but for now, this is really challenging for me, HOLD MY PATIENCE!

I am grateful I go through this motherhood with my husband by my side. This year, he wake up so early to prepare food that need to bring to church hahaha and he kissed me in the early morning and wish me Happy Mother's day! I am the happiest! I am so grateful!
I'm lacked of many things as a mother and he always fulfill that lackness of mine.
For now, I just enjoy the moment being a mother of one haha.I don't feel want to expend our family now because I know my capability so I can say NO. I am just happy with one child now.

Here are some photos of Mother's day celebration at our church. Yes, as you can see, I am really fat. I sometimes can't believe I will be that fat. I do feel sad but my selera makan is really overwhelming, I honestly feel bad about this now. I didn't take care of myself well. I will talk about this topic on another post.

To celebrated this Mother's day,I told my husband I wanted to go out by myself to shopping mall. I just wanted to be myself, I really missed doing this. I just wanted to belek2 things, feel excited about what I want to buy and just wonder around by myself.
So, I went to nearby shopping mall, visited the bookstore, bought myself a good bras and panties and went to buy my current favorite coffee.
I just feel HAPPY doing so. It's been awhile...

The highlight of my Mother's day 2022 is my husband cook dinner for us.
I just love it when my husband cook hahaha
He can cook and delicious.
This time, he cooked simple meals and I love it!

My heart is full this Mother's day.
I am grateful for having my husband through thick and thin with me on my motherhood journey, without him, I don't think I will survived.

I love you so much my husband, Maclare! I hope you read this post haha

Happy Mother's Day 2022!!
Let's be a better mother than yesterday.

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