My life after 30s

I'm super excited when I entered my 30s in 2018, I feel I'm really mature adult already! I feel happy because I achieve my dream to have my own house before I'm 30. I bought my house when I'm 29 years old ☺️☺️.
When I think about this now, I kinda regret but I can't change my past so lets go through it.
I can say, my life after 30s is harder than 20s. I earned more than I earned in my 20s but due to my mistakes when I'm in my 20s and early 30s, I need to pay the price now. Bayar hutang saja kerja.

One thing I don't really get now is why I'm really determine to buy my own house before I'm 30? I worked so hard for it but I can say, my preparation is not really good enough! Banyak kesalahan kewangan telah terjadi.
I cant turn it back so I go through it sajalah.

I'm 35 this year! It's been 5 years since I bought/ loan my house, I can say its really make my life tougher!
I don't regret buying my house because I had my own house and its one of my reason to work hard!

But, when lately I mengalami sakit tapak kaki, I rethinking about my life! I use public transport to go to work in office so I walk a lot! I want to wear my sport shoes but its look inappropriate in the office so I wear my flat shoes but after wear this flat shoes for few months, its getting nipis and my feet betul-betul macam jalan kaki saja.
Kasut menipis satu, berat badan berlebihan another thing. 

I am overweight now and I just don't know or have courage to lose this weight! I want to lose weight but I just dont know myself, I keep eating! I'm really trying my best to lose weight but I just cant! Whats wrong with me!!!
I also bought my work shoes, flat shoes!
It's super comfortable!! 

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