Revamp my blog 2023!

Today, 1st April 2023, I revamping my blog again!
I make it simpler than before and focus on things that I want to share here. Previously, it's quite "rojak", I really try my best to work on my niche which is working mom topics. I really want to focus on what I feel working mom needs.

All I want is my blog become one stop center for my fellow working moms out there and at the same time, I keep memories my life as working mom because I don't know until when I can be working mom so this will be great for me to keep the memories.

So, start from 1st April 2023 onward, my blog will be focus on 2 main topics which is outfit ideas and my daily diary as working mom! I choose this two because I always feel struggle on my outfit now especially my size is changing after give birth to my son and I want to do brain dump because my head is full of thinking so I want to write daily dairy so I can kurangkan beban fikiran.

What's your opinion?

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