The reality of being working mom in Malaysia

If you ask me, do I like being working mom?I would say, yes or no 🤣🤣There's pros and cons being a working mom, thats why I never want to judge people that choose to be working mom or choose to be stay at home mom.Both having pros and cons.Since I'm working mom so I will share about my reality of being working mom in Malaysia.

# Say goodbye every morning during weekdays
I hate this the most as working mom. Sometimes I feel " tak sampai hati" when I send my son to playschool. Sometimes he happy and sometimes he cried a lot which make me feel berat hati but I need to. I hope my son will understand our situation.

# Pay my own bills
One of the reason I love being working mom because I can pay my own bills, buy whatever my son wants and support my family. The best feeling ever is received my salary after hard work.

# Stressful day
For my working field, every day is different challenges.Most days is stresful day so I need to know how to manage the stresful day. Sometimes I cant manage it well so I feel life is soo bad! 

# The needs of climb corporate ladder
I worked in corporate world so theres need to climb corporate ladder, tak selama-lamanya di position yang sama kan? Selain akan rasa bosan, nanti gaji tak naik dan akan rasa stagnant ke career path. So, the need climb corporate ladder is must bila dah choose working women path. Hurmmm...

# Find the good and safe playschool
This is very challenging for us. As Christian Borneo, my original plan is want to my son to go to school that teach Christian lesson since early age but I lived in area that majority Muslim so most of playschool that I can afford are Muslim based. There's non Muslim/ Chinese playschool but its beyond our budget. So, finally we decided to sent our son to Muslim based playschool.

After 3 years being working mom, all I can is as a working mom, need to be mentally strong and take thing easy, I mean don't too stress about work and family life, always remind yourself to do your best in this two area of your life.I saw below photo on my social media and this really remind me. I hope this illustration remind you too.

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