Celebrating Hari Gawai & Kaamatan + KEBANA 2023

It's time of the year!

It's end of May and almost June so it's big celebration at Borneo.

30 - 31 May  : Hari Kaamatan

1 - 2 June: Hari Gawai ( For Iban and some of Dayak people)

1-4 June : KEBANA Festival ( For Kenyah people)

We stayed in Semenanjung Malaysia so we don't have public holiday for this celebration. So, we will celebrate it on weekend before the celebration.

Usually, we will celebrate at church as all Sabah & Sarawak people gather there.

So, here are the photos for this year.

Only during Hari Gawai & Kaamatan celebration you will see our people wear their traditional clothes during Sunday service.

With this celebration, indirectly I introduce my son to his root.

After Sunday service, we finally start the celebration.

At the end of celebration, of course we eat together. I didn't manage to take photos of the food as I feel so hungry!
After eating, it's photos time.

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