Outfit Diary: Accepting my body

Hi there!
Finally I feel a lit bit confident to share my outfit photos on my social media and blog.
I've been feel ashamed to do this because I gained so much weight after I gave birth my son in 2020 and it's seems my weight is not decreasing in short time.
I've been menternak lemak since I gave birth my son. To be really honest, I don't have plan to lose weight after I gave birth because all I wanted to do is give the best for my son and always with my son. When I think back, in this past 3 years, I just take care of my son, makan minum, tidur and do my work, that's it! Some more, pandemic lagilah rancak menternak lemak hahahha
Without realized, it's been almost  3 years now since I menternak lemak and it's not easy to lose it.

Due to this, I'm really struggling with my body image and I feel no confident with myself. All my beautiful baju no longer fit and  whenever I see my old photos doing outfit photoshoot, I really feel sad and look down on myself.
But, I don't  want to dwell myself on this for so long so I choose to accepting my body now while working for my dream body. I know it's not easy but I believe with determination, I can!
For now, just embrace and appreciate me!

Let's talk about this work outfit.
For my current work, the required work attire is business casual. So, I usually wear blouse and dark trouser/pant. 
As for shoes, I usually wear flat shoes and sneakers. But, on last Friday, I wore my kitten heels due to my flat shoes already koyak huahuaaa

This is my kitten heels! It's look beautiful but it's so painful!
I rarely wear it maybe that's why! But, I love it! 

Outfit Details:
Blouse: Brand Outlets
Trouser: Pasar Ekonomi (Shopee)

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