{Fashion Tips} : Tips for graduation day outfit

19 September 2013

{Fashion Tips} : Tips for graduation day outfit

Its a convocation season.
I always excited whenever think of convocation, I already experience it before so I know the feeling.
Convocation is one ceremony/event to celebrate your great effort for almost 3 or 4 years at u…

BSB + 2NE1 Concert { First ever concert experience}

BSB + 2NE1 Concert { First ever concert experience}

On March 2013, I went to my favorite band concert.In my life, I never went to any concert. But, this time when I heard my favorite band will come to Malaysia for Twin Towers alive, at first I feel very excited to go but…

#keriitletokitchen: Spaghetti Carbonara simple recipe

#keriitletokitchen: Spaghetti Carbonara simple recipe

Happy Friday people!
Time to party!!  ahhahaha.. Look like I'm going to party but I'm not. I just like to say this word whenever its Friday.
So, today.. I'm not go for work. I'm very tired lately, so I j…

{ Wish List} : 30 things MUST do before you turn 30

{ Wish List} : 30 things MUST do before you turn 30

Happy Sunday everybody! Hope you had a great day today. I went to buy my favorite magazines today. I feel like this magazine is my big unnie ( big sisters). From this magazine, I know what is important and useful informat…

West Malaysia : Another Malacca Trip

West Malaysia : Another Malacca Trip

Hello my dear friends! I realized that, I always post about my previous travel experience. I'm sorry. The reason is I want to keep that memory on my blog and I would like to come to my here to see the great memories…

[Travel Tips] : 5 must bring items on travel

18 September 2013

[Travel Tips] : 5 must bring items on travel

Hello there! This is my very late post regarding my travel experience to Hong Kong on June 2012 (sorry..)Now, its 2013 so maybe, this just to celebrate after one year I guess.But, it's okay,there never too late to s…
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