Our first met and the beginning

08 December 2018

Our first met and the beginning

I don't know how to start this... I can't stop smiling when recalling all the sweet memories.
I choose to share this here so I can show it to our future kids or they can read about it when they can read and I w…

How I design our engagement announcement and you can do it too!

How I design our engagement announcement and you can do it too!

Our engagement already done and it's time to share tips and what I have learned. I know, everyone don't have time to design good looking poster for the invitations for your ceremony. Everyone want something fas…

How I save money when buying flight tickets

07 December 2018

How I save money when buying flight tickets

Hi there~
It's the season of hunting or buying flight tickets is here! We are going back for Christmas or year end holiday. Yeahhh...who excited? I always excited whenever come but my wallet never excited!
For us, …

Different kind of life

06 December 2018

Different kind of life

Hello there~
Fuhh..finally I have time to write on my blog...arghhh... this week has been so busy.My work is keep busy (I'm thankful, I prefer being busy than bored) and my after work is always have plans, I am not…

My 30s birthday celebrations

04 December 2018

My 30s birthday celebrations

Hello there~ My birthday celebration is already over but I still feel thankful for another year in my life. Yes, I am getting older and hopefully I'm wiser than before....haha. I will try my best everyday. I'm …

Officially 30s...

30 November 2018

Officially 30s...

The day I am waiting for is here!
It's 30 November 2018. The day I officially 30 years old women. And, I wrote this post when I'm on my late twenty yesterday....haha, so actually this is my last post as twenty som…
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