Kerang Masak lemak

04 April 2020

Kerang Masak lemak

I hope you're not tired with my recipe, everything is masak lemak now...haha. It's my hubba's favorite at first but now, I'm pregnant and I love it so much! Everything also want to make masak lemak. Her…

Work from home #Day 12 | Ketua keluarga yang AWESOME!

03 April 2020

Work from home #Day 12 | Ketua keluarga yang AWESOME!

Today is another work from home, no difference. Meetings still ongoing and my brain still working. The best thing about work from home is I can cook for my husband and we can eat together all the time, breakfast, lunch…

Work from home #Day 11 | Emergency happened

02 April 2020

Work from home #Day 11 | Emergency happened

Oh, God!
Today is SCARIEST DAY in my life as pregnant women!
I'm trying to be a good blogger so I will share the story details here.
This morning, I wake up early since I had a meeting at 8.30am and my husband goes…

Thank you,sayang!

Thank you,sayang!

It's April and as I mentioned in my previous post, it's my husband's birthday month. But, why I got 'birthday's gift"?? haha. A girl just being a girl, right? Finally, we got the office chair. Wh…

#keriitletokitchen : Daging masak lemak keriitleto style

01 April 2020

#keriitletokitchen : Daging masak lemak keriitleto style

Hello from #keriitletokitchen! Since I'm pregnant, I've become masak lemak. Anything also want masak lemak. Before I'm pregnant, I'm not really fan of masak lemak because I don't like kunyit! haha, I …

Work from home #Day10 | Craving satisfied

Work from home #Day10 | Craving satisfied

Yes! Finally I can eat Teh Ais and Nasi lemak! I craving for it today. Thanks to Grab, I can satisfied my craving! Who miss this typical Malaysian breakfast?

and, work as usual...

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