Happy 4th anniversary to us

18 April 2019

Happy 4th anniversary to us

Happy 4th anniversary to us. We met in 2013 but not get to know each other yet and in late 2015, we finally started to know each other and sometimes going out with our friends. Fast forward now, we are engaged and soon…

My first time at Keningau, Sabah

My first time at Keningau, Sabah

I heard about Keningau before but I can't imagine how its look like. yes, I can google it but seeing it with my own eyes is more worth it. It takes 1hour from Tenom to Keningau, I never know its near...haha. I keep…

What to eat at Tenom, Sabah?

What to eat at Tenom, Sabah?

It's my day 2 in Sabah.
I wake up later than my fiance's mother...haha. Actually, I wake up at 5am but I think its too early so I continue sleep than I don't wake up until my fiance's mother knocked on …

My first time visit my fiance's hometown

17 April 2019

My first time visit my fiance's hometown

Arghh...April 2019! its eventful month so far. And, one meaningful thing I did this month is I went to my fiance's hometown for the very first time for his brother's wedding and I take this chance to meet his f…
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