Interesting facts about kebana 2016 festival

Happy Wednesday!
This week is a quite busy day for me. I went to work on a day and do my photo editing during night, but I'm not complaining. I love both my job.
For today post, I'm going to share about some interesting fact about KEBANA.
If you don't know what is KEBANA mean, you can check out here.And, if you curious about where is Kampung Data Kakus, you can read my previous post about it here.
Okay, let's check the interesting facts about this important festival/event for Kenyah people.

1. This event will be held every 2 years
2. All Kenyah Badeng people from around Malaysia will come gather and celebrate
3. Main events during this festival are Opening ceremony,Football tournament and Leto Tiga/Ratu Kebana.
4. It's reunion time for some family
5. Everything about our traditional foods
6. Its's time to socialise
Note:All these facts are based on what I observed and experience.

This is where the games going on.
Emcee for the Closing ceremony, Mr Kebing( Cikgu Kebing)

Let's prayer first before anything.
The prizes

Pengerusi of Kebana
All the leaders

What do you people like about KEBANA?
Can you share with me what you do during the last KEBANA 2016?

Thanks for visit and read my blog.

Paya from

What's your opinion?

  1. I haven't got opportunity to join kebana for such a long time. All I can remember Kebana is about family gathering, meeting new friend, having fun, foods, sports, bring back the old traditional practices to life, and lots more funs activities. And my favorites was cheering for the football teams at the side of the field. It's really a stress theraphy hahaha.. for me kebana is more like a football tournament and it a highlight events that everyone kenyah badeng look forward every year. Now its every two years.

    1. Yeah, I love cheering for football teams at the side of field too. I can screamed as much as I can without look weird..haha.
      Hope you can see KEBANA 2018,bring your family :)


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