Today is the day that I'll never forget!
On this day, 3 years ago, I am emotionally and physically crashed because of my breakup. I feel like the world is ended and feel so weak. But, I'm really trying my very best to be strong for my own sake! Fast forward in 2016, read the history on my Facebook make me feel proud of myself and I made it! I mean, I'm survived from that phase of my life. Thanks a lot God and thank you very much for my family and friends that help me a lot during the tough phase of my life.
But, again.. on this day, 22 September 2016, I've another reason to have emotionally and physically crashed! Finally, my close friend,Elyss move to our homeland,Sarawak!I'm happy for her but deep down inside my heart, I feel so sad! I am someone that can be friend with anyone but its hard for me to find close friend that we can share anything.I don't really like to have emotionally and physically crashed because it's make me feel so weak and 'parallelized'.
I hope my friend,Elyss will have a good life over there. The transition will be tough but I know you can do well.As for me here, I will try my best to move on to another phase of my life.
Elyss is one of my friend that contribute a lot on my blog. She always be my "paksa rela" photographer and my friend that always willing to accompany me to do my outfit shoot with my tripod.When the first time I discover my passion in photography, she is the one that I always "paksa" to be my model/subject.
Since she is one big contributor on my blog,below is post related or that we done together.
Oh ya,I did her engagement and wedding photography,so you can check it out below.
Ellis&Newton Engagement Day
Ellis&Newton Wedding Day
Thank you my friend for being there for me during my up and my down. I'm so grateful for having friend like you and I hope we can be friend forever (petoyang pa paan paan- I don't know if this is correct or not). I'm sorry for everything and thank you for being my close friend, love you!!!
Thank You for visit my blog.
Elyss is one of my friend that contribute a lot on my blog. She always be my "paksa rela" photographer and my friend that always willing to accompany me to do my outfit shoot with my tripod.When the first time I discover my passion in photography, she is the one that I always "paksa" to be my model/subject.
Since she is one big contributor on my blog,below is post related or that we done together.
Oh ya,I did her engagement and wedding photography,so you can check it out below.
Ellis&Newton Engagement Day
Ellis&Newton Wedding Day
Thank you my friend for being there for me during my up and my down. I'm so grateful for having friend like you and I hope we can be friend forever (petoyang pa paan paan- I don't know if this is correct or not). I'm sorry for everything and thank you for being my close friend, love you!!!

Thank You for visit my blog.