[#keriitletoOOTD] : Never get tired

Hi there~
I've been missing from blogosphere again. Sometimes I wished I can have more than 24hours so I can do what I must do and what I love to do every day.But, that's not going to happen because God already gives us 24hours so we need to know how to do time management,right? Talking about time management, despite living on this earth for almost 27 years old ( minus when I'm less than 7 years old), so its 20 years living on this earth, I never know what is time management.But, I forgive myself that 15 years.
When I started working, then only I know what is time management because I feel like I have so much thing to do.Sometimes, I have so much thing to do in one day,both my work and my personal life but I'm thankful because God gives me strength to go through my day. So, in case you curious. here is my typical schedule every day.
Wake up and read my devotional ( sometimes, I fall asleep while I'm on my reading and prayers)
p.s : Sometime I accidentally wake up late, I'm a human and need a sleep.

Take bath then sometimes I make breakfast ( If I feel like want to)
p.s: usually just toast and coffee or else, I will eat at my workplace's canteen.

Drive go to work and working day is started.

1200pm ~
Lunch time

Finish work day and go back home or go somewhere else.

After work, I usually have something else to do and here is typical thing I will do.
Option 1:  Arrived home, take bath then start working on keriitleto.com
Option 2 : Go to our church for prayers and cell group ( every Wednesday and Friday)
Option 3: Dinner with my best people(you know it! :) )

If I'm home, I will start work on my passions;
i.Photography( read, learn and practice) or editing photos.

ii.Blogging(thinking of best topic to share)

iii. Build website and learn how to do/run online store.
www.keriitletoshop.com - coming soon.

iv.Sometime, scrolled my Instagram feed/Facebook feed - on my lazy day.
My Instagram (@keriitleto & @keriitletoshop)
My Facebook ( @keriitleto Paya & @keriitleto)

Read my Bible
p.s : Sometime, I straight to 'heaven'..hehe.


That's how my typical day going. Sometimes, I feel so tired but that's what I love to do and I'll never get tired of it. For me, to achive what you love to do, you MUST be never get tired of it. For example, I never get tired of take my outfit photos even I don't have 'photographer' this moment but I will do it when there's friends willing to help me.
So, here is my #keriitletoOOTD Sunday.


If you realized, I always closed my eyes and look down during this OOTD shooting..hahaha, yeah the sun is soo bright and I feel shy to look at camera after so long..hehee

Thank You for visit and read my blog.
I hope you will have a great week.


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