Highs and lows

Highs and lows
Lord, you're with me either way it goes
Should I rise or should I fall
Even  so, Lord Your mercy is an even flow
You're too good to let me go

This is few part of new song from Hillsong Y&F, |||, Highs and lows.
You can search this song on Spotify and other platforms.
When I first listened to this song, I feel like it's speak what's my heart for this moment.
Life been so hard lately...

A lot of hard decisions to make,
A lot of challenges to face...
A lot of choices to choose in front of me...
A lot of consequences of my bad decisions before come hit me.
I'm struggle with myself,
I guess middle age crisis??
I questioned myself a lot. I doubt myself a lot too.
I feel like I'm in my lowest for this time.
I never forget the time that God put me in the highest time, the best time of my life. The time when I travelled a lot, can buy anything I want without even thinking(it's not good actually but this what happened).
Despite all these, I know He will be with me in highs and lows time. Whatever the situations, I know God will be always there.
It's sound ridiculous now but I want to keep believe that.I can't see anything in front of me, the problems seems not solve, the plans seems not working and whatever plan blah blah.
I want to keep believe, God with me.
Everything will be okay, 
everything will be fine.




Photo credit : www.unsplash.com

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