How to making wise choices in your life?

It's Tuesday!
Almost the end of January 2019! I feel the pace of this month is so far so good. I feel manageable but miserable at the same time. I have a lot of things to do at my workplace and the same goes to when I come back home. I still try my best to work on I can't lose these two things in my life. My current job is important and my is also important. So, that's why I come with the topic today. How to make wise choices in this life?
Takut akan Tuhan adalah permulaan pengetahuan,tetapi orang bodoh menghina hikmat dan didikan. - Amsal 1:7 TB

1. Constantly pray and connected to God
10 Hai anakku, dengarkanlah dan terimalah perkataanku,supaya tahun hidupmu menjadi banyak.
11Aku mengajarkan jalan hikmat kepadamu,aku memimpin engkau di jalan yang lurus.
12Bila engkau berjalan langkahmu tidak akan terhambat,bila engkau berlari engkau tidak akan tersandung.
13Berpeganglah pada didikan, janganlah melepaskannya,peliharalah dia, karena dialah hidupmu.

Every single day we are faced with choices. The choices that affect others and ourselves. God's wisdom leads us to live the best possible life. He has promised to give us His wisdom when we look for it so we must look for it by staying connected with Him. Then we will live the life He designed for us to live. Our choices define who we are.
The decisions we make define the person we become. So in our day to day moments, we must constantly look to God. He gives us His wisdom for a purpose so that we may live the life He intended for us.We must pray and remain connected with Him so that when it comes time to decide, we choose the right path. And in choosing the right path, we choose to be defined by God's wisdom.

2. Find a friend like Jonathan was to David
16maka bersiaplah Yonatan, anak Saul, lalu pergi kepada Daud di Koresa. Ia menguatkan kepercayaan Daud kepada Allah 17dan berkata kepadanya: “Janganlah takut, sebab tangan ayahku Saul tidak akan menangkap engkau; engkau akan menjadi raja atas Israel, dan aku akan menjadi orang kedua di bawahmu. Juga ayahku Saul telah mengetahui yang demikian itu.” 18Kemudian kedua orang itu mengikat perjanjian di hadapan Tuhan. Dan Daud tinggal di Koresa, tetapi Yonatan pulang ke rumahnya.
People you surrounded with determine who you become. They either support us in making wise decisions or lead us down a path of bad choices. Choose to surround yourself with friends who make wise choices. Find a friend like Jonathan was to David, one who encourages you to seek God's wisdom.From my personal experience, my friends really influenced my life choices. Whenever I am in doubt, after I prayed to God, I will ask second opinions from my friends. I want to make sure I am making the right decisions. If the choices turned to be bad choices, I will never feel so bad because my friends will remind me why I make that choice before. And, they encouraged me to move on and be strong while I'm in that hard season in my life.

24Jangan berteman dengan orang yang lekas gusar,jangan bergaul dengan seorang pemarah,
25supaya engkau jangan menjadi biasa dengan tingkah lakunyadan memasang jerat bagi dirimu sendiri.

3. Don't run away and hide from God when make bad choice
1Anak yang bijak mendengarkan didikan ayahnya,tetapi seorang pencemooh tidak mendengarkan hardikan.
2Dari buah mulutnya seseorang akan makan yang baik,tetapi nafsu seorang pengkhianat ialah melakukan kelaliman.
3Siapa menjaga mulutnya, memelihara nyawanya,siapa yang lebar bibir, akan ditimpa kebinasaan.
4Hati si pemalas penuh keinginan, tetapi sia-sia,sedangkan hati orang rajin diberi kelimpahan.
5Orang benar benci kepada dusta,tetapi orang fasik memalukan dan memburukkan diri.
6Kebenaran menjaga orang yang saleh jalannya,tetapi kefasikan mencelakakan orang berdosa.
Everyone makes bad decisions at times. But when we do, it's important that we don't run away and hide from God like Adam and Eve did in the garden. We must stay connected with Him so He can help us through our bad decisions.
Finally, I hope all these 3 make you and me making wise choices in life.
Before I end this post, I really recommend you to read Psalm/Amsal in Bible. It's full of advise and reveal so much about wisdom/how to making wise choices in daily life. I leave you guys with some of scripture.

32Sebab orang yang tak berpengalaman akan dibunuh oleh keengganannya,dan orang bebal akan dibinasakan oleh kelalaiannya.


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