My January 2019 review

Hi there~
January 2019 is finally come to end! Thanks to God I'm surviving. I don't really know what to say about this month but I can say I always in survival mode. And, there's the highlight during this month.

1. CEO Conference
I put this as a first highlight because it really highlights this month. I really need to know how to balance my work and my dream. It's crazy and it's a real dilemma. I am grateful I attended this conference. I introduced myself as the founder of and telling many people what I trying to do. I feel crazy and at the same time, I feel like MY DREAM AND PRAYERS COME TRUE! I know it's a very long journey but I really want to go on this journey and I want to risk my life for I want to advise you guy to don't stop going after what you want. If you want it badly you will get it someday. Just do it.

2. Bought first furniture in the house
I wrote about this on my previous post. I am thankful I can make my dream true! I know it's such a tiny thing but I proud myself for making my dream come true! I always believe that we can make any of dream come true if you are willing to do it. I always dreamed to have ALL WHITE house and I am in the process make it happen. More work ahead me and more money going to spend but I am grateful I have the courage to make my dream come true.

3. "Wake up call"
It's related to my work. I am thankful for people that say 'hard words' toward me. It makes me out from my comfort zone. I think I need hard work so I can move further in my work. I love to make things hard so I can become confident. I am tired of my comfort zone. It's time to find new challenges and do the hard stuff.

4. I started to take selfies
Last year, I remember I don't really love to take a selfie because I feel ugly all the time and I hate myself for messed up with my own life. Thanks to God, I think I'm recovering from my low self-esteem. I love to see myself smile for a selfie and on the photos. I feel good. I feel it's self reward to myself whenever I saw myself smile and feel happy with the photos I taken.

5. I still eat mindlessly but try my best to change.
Yes, this is hardest this month. I can't change overnight. I tried but still, it's hard! I didn't hit the gym this month because I know it's full of "NEW YOU" people. I will start to hit the gym in February. I still want to do this. I will never give up.

6. Love lipsticks so much now
I don't know why this happens to me. I don't know what life phase I am at now...haha. I don't really like lipsticks because I always complain its make my lips dry but I don't know it's not. I guess lipstick industry is changed and improve now...haha. I have a lot now.

7. I started my YouTube channel
I started some account before but never do for KERIITLETO.
You can check it here.

8. Wedding preparation is ON.
It's an underground process but we already start to do some preparation. When the time is right and good, I definitely share the process here. For now, we will keep it under wrap. 

9. I celebrated New Year 2019 with my sisters
I'm thankful I can celebrate New Year with my sisters and hug them. I love the feeling.

10. My hands are super sunburn
You already seen the recovery process on my Instagram ( @keriitleto) and it's still recovering now.

Fuh! January 2019 is full of things. But, I love it!
I'm thankful I have someone to love.
I am thankful I have place to stay.
I am thankful I have a good job.
I am thankful I can provide my family.
I am thankful I can pay my bills.
I am thankful God! Thank you.

How's your January 2019? I hope you had a great one!

Love and God bless you,

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