Visiting Paddy Gallery at Sekinchan, Selangor

27 May 2023

Visiting Paddy Gallery at Sekinchan, Selangor

After we left airplane area, we planned to going back but changed our mind after we "limpas" paddy gallery! haha. While we at Sekinchan, famous for its paddy field so why not go visit Paddy gallery to see how …

Trip to see airplane at Sekinchan, Selangor

Trip to see airplane at Sekinchan, Selangor

My son currently "obsessed" with airplane and  when I saw on Facebook Airplane at Sekinchan, Selangor, I told my husband let's bring our son see the airplane. He will be happy to see it and at the same tim…

Last follow up 🙏🏻🙏🏻

22 May 2023

Last follow up 🙏🏻🙏🏻

On  Monday (22 May 2023) we went for our son last follow up on his "sawan". We've been follow up and treated his sawan for more than a years now. Whenever my son got fever, I definitely feel so nervous and …
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