A gift from Arisu Sarang squad!

15 July 2020

A gift from Arisu Sarang squad!

First of all, I feel like this one need one post because it's a very SPECIAL gift from my dear friends, Maz, Ijan, Ija, Gogi and Kisha. I met them while we are working at my current company. All of them already resi…

My giving birth experience during COVID-19 pandemic

10 July 2020

My giving birth experience during COVID-19 pandemic

I wish I knew that 2020 will be the year of pandemic COVID-19 but who am I to know that. I am no God.But, this experience will be remembered for the entire of my life.  Back in October 2019 when we know that we are pregn…

Karl Sibal first day in this world

02 July 2020

Karl Sibal first day in this world

Looking back at the photos now makes me feel amazing and blessed. We are truly blessed. This is Karl Sibal first day in this world. He is so small and tiny. Guess what? I don't really know how to bedung my son haha. I …

Postmortum Stories: 2 July - 3rd July 2020 | Just me and my baby

Postmortum Stories: 2 July - 3rd July 2020 | Just me and my baby

This two days I was alone with my baby. I feel happy and devastated. My breast milk is not come out and I can't feed my baby other than breast milk. I need to do breastfeeding. I'm tried but it's not easy as I…

My giving birth story | 1 July 2020, 9.30pm

01 July 2020

My giving birth story | 1 July 2020, 9.30pm

1 July 2020, 9.30pm is the day and time I will definitely NEVER FORGET in my life.Why? Because this is the day I gave birth to our first child, Karl Sibal. So, here is my giving birth story. This post will be brutally hon…

Pregnancy Stories: 30 June 2020 | Waiting moment

30 June 2020

Pregnancy Stories: 30 June 2020 | Waiting moment

I thought I will deliver the baby on this day.But, I experience something that totally new for me. For the first time ever the doctor "seluk" my vagina to put the ubat induce...oh my God! It's so painful! …
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